Fractions Learning Centre Lesson Plan
Hetrogeneous group (HE): Mixed abilities
Number of computers needed: 20 computers (6+6+6+2)
Tuning in: Computer Based Learning
Resource: Computer
Intro to blog and tuning in activity
Finding out the names and properties of the pattern blocks.
Fill up a worksheet pg 1
Computer based group
Station 1: Computer Based Learning (self-directed)
Resources: GSP, worksheet pg 2
Exploring further the properties of the geometrical shapes.
Station 2: Fraction game station
Resources: IT fraction game
Station 3:
Resources: evideo from ETD, worksheet pg 3
Hands-on group
Station 4: Pattern Block Investigation (expert student needed)
Resources: Pattern blocks, worksheet
1) Physically play with the pattern blocks to find out the relationship between the pattern blocks.
2) Listening to some instructions and complete the worksheet pg 4
Station 5: Fraction Teasers (expert student needed)
Resources: Envelope of questions, worksheet pg 5
Envelope game (18 sets of questions)
Each envelope has 3 strips of questions
Station 6: Open Task: Fraction Puzzle (expert student needed) Resources: Manipulative, digital camera and computerArrange the manipulatives to form a pattern. Take pictures of the pattern and upload them in the blog. Answer the questions.